Electric eMobility eV

On Fake Protest — Is The Extinction Rebellion … A Front For The Fossil Industries?

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! We’ve all seen the headlines, the antics, and the absurd protests that purport to raise awareness of the climate crisis by a group known as the Extinction Rebellion. They glue themselves to art. They ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

My Heat Pump Water Heater Tour Across America

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! This summer I embarked on a cross country tour of America to see the quiet revolution taking place in decarbonized water heating. I had the opportunity to visit factories that produce heat pump water ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

Maybe Germany Should Just Revive Its EV Incentives

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! The highly esteemed Steve Hanley wrote an interesting article this morning about the Volkswagen “earthquake” that is hitting Germany at the moment. I recommend reading that piece before this one. There’s a lot in ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

A Volkswagen “Earthquake” Hits Germany While Funding Cuts For New Battery Research Loom

Volkswagen is facing a crisis as car sales in Europe shrink, leading to less revenue than expected at a time when new investments are needed.
Electric eMobility eV

Is Volvo’s EV Plan Change EV Pessimism or Tech Adoption Realism?

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! When I first saw news that Volvo was pushing back its plan to transition 100% to full electric vehicles (BEVs), I thought something along the lines of, “Ugh, another automaker is using some lame ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

Northvolt’s Initial Outcomes from Its Strategic Review

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! In streamlining operations, Northvolt will initially focus on large-scale cell manufacturing whilst reducing costs and exploring future strategic partnerships for the purpose of securing its position in the global battery landscape. Northvolt is today ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

Solutions to Improve Interconnection of Rooftop Solar & EV Chargers, Traffic Congestion Squanders Billions of Gallons of Gas, & More

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Traffic congestion is estimated to have wasted 0.8 billion gallons of gasoline in the US in 1982, but it has grown and grown since then. That number peaked in 2019 at 3.6 billion gallons ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

Single-Well, High-Output Enhance Geothermal (“DGS”) — In Depth

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Greetings, serious geothermal supporters. This letter to the editor addresses articles touting the baseload, climate impact, and large-scale PPA capabilities of hot dry rock geothermal (HDR) systems, in particular Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). The ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

Cross-Canada Road Trip in 2019 Hyundai Kona EV

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! “We think you’re crazy!”  “Wow, we’d never try that!”  “What are you going to do if you get stranded?” Almost every time we broached the idea of driving our 2019 Kona EV across Canada, ... [continued]
Electric eMobility eV

World’s 1st Electric Timber Truck with Crane Takes Sustainable Forestry to the Next Level

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! The forestry industry just saw a major leap towards sustainability with the debut of the world’s first electric timber truck equipped with a crane. Unveiled in Sweden at the Elmia Lastbil fair, this cutting-edge ... [continued]