Electric eMobility eV

Sand to Green in Africa

Like a scene from Dune, the French–Moroccan startup Sand to Green aims to turn the desert from threat to food producer. It’s a lesson Australia also needs to learn. “If we were to try to produce all the food we will need in 2050 using current production systems, the world would have to convert most […]
Electric eMobility eV

India Issues List Of Technologies Eligible Under Impending Carbon Market

The Indian government has issued a list of projects that would be eligible to earn carbon offsets for the purpose of selling them in international carbon markets. According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, a total of 13 activities have been identified as potential carbon offset generators in […]
Electric eMobility eV

US Auto Industry Down 3+ Million Sales (19%) Since 2019

The US auto industry has been declining steadily for a few years at least. Compared to 2021, the American auto industry’s annual sales were down by more than 1 million units, or 8%. Compared to 2020, there were “only” down by 725,726 units (5%). But compared to 2019, they were down by more than 3 […]
Electric eMobility eV

Sono Motors Halts Production Of Sion Solar-Powered Car

The Sion solar-powered car from Sono Motors will not go into production, but the company's solar technology will live on.
Electric eMobility eV

Sono Motors Halts Production Of Sion Solar-Powered Car

The Sion solar-powered car from Sono Motors will not go into production, but the company's solar technology will live on.
Electric eMobility eV

US Auto Industry Up 10% In 4th Quarter — But Down 16% Compared To Q4 2019

The US auto industry is truly on the rebound. In the 3rd quarter, sales increasing 1% compared to the 3rd quarter of 2021, the first positive trend in a while. But was it just a lucky little blip? Seemingly not, as US auto industry sales in the 4th quarter of 2022 were 10% higher than […]
Electric eMobility eV

Utility-Scale Wind, Solar PV, & Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Increased From 467 MW In 2013 To 6,230 MW In 2022 In South Africa

South Africa’s grid is dominated by coal. According to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Statistics of Utility-Scale Power Generation In South Africa In 2022 Report, the contribution from coal dropped below 80% for the first time ever. In 2022, 77.7% of the 228 TWh was met by South Africa’s coal plants. […]
Electric eMobility eV

Galapagos Airport: Environmental Tourism

People who love to travel but are concerned about the environmental impacts of flying should consider a trip to the Galapagos. In 2017, the Ecological Airport of the Galapagos became the first airport in Latin America to be recognized as carbon neutral. This was granted through the Airports Council International, whose Airport Carbon Accreditation Program […]
Electric eMobility eV

US Electric Car Sales Increased 65% In 2022

Tesla continues to dominate the US electric car sales market, which can make it seem as though not much is changing here. However, the biggest story is probably that the US electric car market as a whole continues to grow strongly. In 2022, our analysis shows that BEV sales increased 65% compared to 2021. (Note: […]
Electric eMobility eV

NREL Study Shows Wind Energy Can Help Puerto Rico Achieve Its Clean Energy & Grid Reliability Goals

Five Key Findings on Wind Energy Costs in Puerto Rico Through 2035