Electric eMobility eV

Jimmy Carter, The Most Eco-Friendly President Of Our Times

Celebrated for his environmental ethic, Jimmy Carter lived and legislated with nature in mind.
Electric eMobility eV

Has Battery Recycling Arrived Too Soon? What About Second Life Energy Storage?

Battery recycling and second life grid storage applications for used EV batteries are expanding, but is that happening too soon?
Electric eMobility eV

PG&E Will Test Tesla & Sonnen Virtual Power Plant Technology

PG&E will test two types of virtual power plant technology this summer to determine which is best for supporting the utility grid.
Electric eMobility eV

A Better Way Of Paying For A Reliable Electricity Grid

Last spring, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), which operates the electricity grid serving 45 million people across the central United States, found out it was at a higher risk of power outages than it believed. The result, as I explain below, was skyrocketing electricity bills for thousands of people. To avoid similar outcomes in […]
Electric eMobility eV

New Design for Lithium-Air Battery Could Offer Much Longer Driving Range

New batteries could one day power cars, airplanes, trucks.
Electric eMobility eV

Tesla Has More “Buys” On Wall Street Than Ever

In recent months, Tesla’s stock has seen new upticks from a tough 2022. As shareholders pick up significantly more of Tesla’s shares, the company currently has more support from Wall Street analysts than ever with a similar uptick in “Buy” ratings. Tesla has had more “Buy” calls on Wall Street in recent weeks than ever, […]
Electric eMobility eV

Tesla Denies Union-Busting Allegations

A few days ago, news outlets reported that Tesla employees in Buffalo, New York, accused the company of firing them for trying to start a union. In response, the company published a blog post denying the allegations. Let’s take a look at what happened. The Allegations According to a number of news outlets (here’s one […]
Electric eMobility eV

Magna Expands In Ontario To Support F-150 Lightning & Other Future EV Production

When it comes to automotive production, the automaker’s factories themselves tend to get a lot of the attention. Every automaker has a few large, well-known factories that produce the majority of their vehicles. While these factories are essential for producing cars and trucks efficiently, what goes on in them would not be possible without the […]
Electric eMobility eV

Want People To Support Climate Legislation? Explain It In Everyday Language

How people think and talk about our steadily warming world has a lot to do with the language we embrace to describe it.
Electric eMobility eV

Scientists Could Explain “Climate-Informed Wildlife Crossings” Better

About a decade ago, when I used to ride my bike a lot more (something I need to get back to), I decided to undertake a pretty wild trek. I rode about 15 miles from my house to the base of a mountain and then scaled its somewhat steep face on the north side. As […]