Electric eMobility eV

UN Agreements On Oceanic Geoengineering Don’t Cover Dominant Land-Based Systems

Canada's Senate is mostly hearing from ocean geoengineering advocates about how wonderful it is, and skipping the skeptics, at least so far.
Electric eMobility eV

Superconducting Transmission CEO Talks Grids In Brussels

John Fitgzerald, CEO of superconducting transmission startup Supernode talks moving electrons to enable renewables with hypercold tape.
Electric eMobility eV

Lessons For Europe & North America From Northvolt Collapse

Three lessons for policy makers in the west from the collapse of Northvolt in Europe. All involve reality and China.
Electric eMobility eV

Finnish GTK Risks Credibility By Publishing Bad Minerals Study In Peer-Reviewed House Journal

Mining explosion dust expert's terrible minerals transition study gets put in special edition of low-impact house journal without peer review for reasons.
Electric eMobility eV

Hard Sail Power Might Have Niche In Roro Vehicle Shipping

Roro shipping giant Soya Group might have the conditions for success for hard sails on some ocean cargo ships.
Electric eMobility eV

Hydrogen Trains Continue To Derail

It's not only transit buses powered by hydrogen that fail to provide reliable service, hydrogen rail is also an economic and reliability failure.
Electric eMobility eV

How Can A Canadian Transit Think Tank Be So Deeply Incompetent?

Strategy and innovation expert Michael Raynor and I discuss Canadian transit think tank CUTRIC's abysmally bad report for Brampton on hydrogen buses.
Electric eMobility eV

EVTOLs Remain Grounded As Dreams Of Jetsons Lifestyle Doppler Into Future

Urban air mobility EVTOL firms are starting to reach the end of the funding and entering bankruptcy, administration, and dissolution. About time.
Electric eMobility eV

Winnipeg Is Making Major Local Transit Bus Firm New Flyer More Likely To Fail

Winnipeg is helping cripple transit manufacturer New Flyer, a major local employer. New Flyer needs tough love in order to survive, and Winnipeg is best positioned to provide it.
Electric eMobility eV

Vancouver Translink Bus Decarbonization At Risk From $1.3 Million CUTRIC Sole Source Study

Vancouver's Translink risks being misled by deeply conflicted CUTRIC's $1.3 million, federally funded bus study. CUTRIC Board companies could get billions.