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New feature on CnEVPost website: Events Calendar

The CnEVPost website has added an Events Calendar feature to help readers keep track of what's coming up next in China's EV industry, and other events that matter, like holiday schedules.

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China CnEVPost Blog Electric eMobility eV

We are starting to adopt updated stylebook

Updates you may notice include that we will be using "" instead of "NIO" as before, and will be using "" instead of "XPeng".

When I graduated from college and joined China Daily in July 2009, my first major task was to familiarize myself with a dozen-page stylebook.

For an English-language media outlet, a stylebook ensures that all reporters and editors remain coherent in the details of their wording.

When I launched CnEVPost in December 2020, we largely followed the style of China Daily and Reuters in terms of wording details.

In the past couple of years, with a large number of new companies and models in the Chinese EV industry, we started to refer more to company statements or press releases in some of our wording styles.

However, in retrospect, the mainstream international media did not do so, which requires us to update our stylebook in time.

Starting immediately, CnEVPost is moving to the latest 2023 version stylebook, which is our internal operating guideline and will ensure that the wording style will remain consistent, whether it's mine or any other author's articles.

Here are a few updates that you may notice:

We will be using "Nio" instead of the previously used "NIO".

We will be using "Xpeng" instead of "XPeng".

More updates may be made in areas you won't notice, but are important to us, especially regarding the wording style for some EV models.

We will not adjust the wording style of past articles; the latest stylebook will guide our writing going forward, including CnEVPost and CnEVData.

Thanks to all our readers for your support in the past! If you have any feedback, please feel free to leave a message.

Phate Zhang

June 25, 2023

The post We are starting to adopt updated stylebook appeared first on CnEVPost.

For more articles, please visit CnEVPost.

China CnEVPost Blog Electric eMobility eV

Introducing CnEVData: CnEVPost’s new platform for sharing data

CnEVData is essentially the database used internally by the CnEVPost team, containing data that the team uses for day-to-day reporting, as well as more data not covered by the reporting.

At CnEVPost, a large amount of our coverage is data-based, which has allowed us to accumulate a large database over the past few years.

Now, we have decided to share the raw data, hence CnEVData (

To be clear, CnEVData is a new, independent, membership-based website, as collecting and compiling all the data requires a lot of extra work.

The site's membership system is Patreon based, and you can only view the details of the data if you become a patron.

What do you get?

A quick glance at the home page of will give you a rough idea of what data you can get.

Introducing CnEVData: CnEVPost's new platform for sharing data-CnEVPost

Sales data

CnEVData provides raw data in table form about the delivery volumes of the automakers covered by CnEVPost.

You can also see sales data about many other automakers, such as SAIC and Seres Group, that CnEVPost does not cover with articles.

In addition, the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) publishes weekly sales data for the Chinese auto industry. You will also be able to see tables that we share based on these data.

We also share the weekly insurance registration data we obtain. However, because there is no uniform official distribution channel for this data, we will not be able to provide them when they are not available on public channels.

Key specs of new EV models

CnEVPost's reports cover the release of major new EV models and comparisons of key specifications between different models.

We have collected a lot of model specification information in the past and is now sharing them in a unified format now at CnEVData.

You can already see the model specification information of several EV makers covered by CnEVPost now. We are compiling the specifications of dozens of other models based on a unified format and will gradually share them.

EV industry chain data

CnEVPost's coverage is centered on EV makers and extends to their supply chain.

Over the past two years, raw material prices have been one of the main concerns, especially lithium carbonate prices.

We will update the data in CnEVData as soon as daily lithium carbonate quotes are available.

In the future, it is likely that other raw materials will be of more interest, such as nickel or sodium, and you will be able to see new data from us at that time as well.

Overall state of China auto industry

In the same way that people understand the macroeconomy by looking at data such as GDP, CPI, PMI, etc., there are a lot of similar data available for the Chinese automotive industry to understand the overall industry.

The CPCA and the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) publish monthly sales data similar to what GDP is to the macroeconomy.

In addition to sales data, they also publish data including monthly vehicle consumption indices, inventory indices, capacity utilization rates, recall numbers, and regional data for some cities.

Much of this data is not newsworthy, so you probably won't see it on CnEVPost. But for industry watchers, they may be important, so you will be able to see it on CnEVData.

More others

What CnEVData is currently sharing is our first step in starting a new endeavor.

Over time, you should see more and better data coverage.

The post Introducing CnEVData: CnEVPost's new platform for sharing data appeared first on CnEVPost.

For more articles, please visit CnEVPost.